Our executive team includes healthcare professionals with over 25 years experience.

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Member Benefits
include a wide range of prescription and over-the-counter (OTC) medicines.

You can even have your medicines delivered to your home (within the USA only). We work with Caremark CVS to provide these pharmacy benefits.
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CVS Caremark
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CVS Caremark

What to do...

Bring your member ID and prescription to a participating pharmacy. A doctor can also call in the prescription for you. It is best to use the same pharmacy each time you fill a prescription. This way, your pharmacist will know about problems that may happen when you’re taking more than one prescription. If you use another pharmacy, you should tell the pharmacist about all medicines you or your child are taking.

Prior Authorization

Some medications requires a preapproval from your insurer. The preapproval process helps ensure that members are taking medications safely and correctly. Below are some reasons where preapproval may be required by your insurer:
There is a generic or pharmacy alternative drug available.
The drug could be misused or abused.
There are other drugs that should be tried first.
The drug has a high side effect potential.
The drug is prescribed at a higher dosage than recommended.
There is additional information needed about your condition.
We need to match your prescription to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approval of the drug and/or studies of effectiveness.

For medicines that need preapproval, your provider will need to contact us. We will review the request and give a decision within 24 hours. If you need your medicine right away, you may be able to receive a 72-hour supply while you wait.
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How to receive specialty medications

If you have a complex or chronic health condition that requires special medicine, we can help. We partner with Caremark CVS Specialty Pharmacy and other pharmacies to meet all your specialty medication needs.
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